Winter 1985 Home   Newsletters

Fall 1986

Winter 1986

President's Notes (Anne Lee)
Fundraising Results
State Council
LWVUS Convention 1986
Ten Common Myths about Initiative
Security '76 Conference
Last Chance for Akamai Strategist
New State Board Member
Problems in Signature Gathering (Marian Wilkins)
Election Law Study Consensus
Program and Action
League Local News - Honolulu
League Local News - Hawaii County
League Local News - Kauai
League Local News - League Members on Maui
Ed Fund News
Coastweek '86
Bye Bye Herman
Anne Lee

LWVUS Convention 1986

Six League members from Hawaii --Anne Lee and Marian Hatton of the LWV/Hawaii; Arlene Ellis, Yvonne Kearns, and Evelyn Bender of LWV/ Honolulu; and Dorothy Doudna of LWV/Hawaii County -- were delegates to the National League Convention in Washington, D.C. from June 14-18. These delegates had a hectic schedule, which included workshops on leadership development, and networking and business sessions. The members also met with the National League staff and board members, and attended various tours and receptions. The delegates were on the receiving end of intense lobbying efforts and had the chance to do some lobbying on their own interests as well.

During the "Day on the Hill," Senators Bob Packwood and Bill Bradley reported to the over 1,000 League members gathered on the Capitol steps on the progress of the Tax Reform Bill. The Hawaii delegation had fruitful meetings with Senator Spark Matsunaga and Representatives Daniel Akaka and Cec Heftel. Unfortunately Senator Dan Inouye had to cancel his appointment to attended a Conference Committee meeting.

As always the Convention speakers were most inspirational and always had a high regard for the League. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan was fantastic. Dr. Estelle Raney was humorous and very interesting. LWVUS President Dot Ridings and Executive Director Grant Thompson were humorous, inspirational, and very practical. However, the address by Secretary of the Treasury James Baker, which had been advertised as a speech on the tax reform bill, was disappointing and did not touch the subject at all.

As the LWV/Hawaii will participate in the ABC-TV Reporting of the November 1986 elections, Anne Lee attended a breakfast hosted by ABC to hear about the agenda for the upcoming election.

Not all was work, however, at the banquet delegates were entertained by a group called "the Capitol Steps" which presented political satire via songs and skits and had everyone in stitches. (Try singing "BradleyPackwoodRostenkowskiTaxSimplification" to the tune of "Supercalifragilistic-expialadocious" and you'll have an idea of their style.)

On the whole the Hawaii representation felt the League is very much alive despite recent membership losses. The Convention delegates seemed intelligent, hard-working, sincere, dedicated, and representative of all age groups, races, and sectors of the country. The Hawaii members came home feeling prouder than ever to be a member of the League; rekindled, enthusiastic, and ready to work hard to make the League better than ever.

Winter 1985 Home   Newsletters Winter 1986