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July 1952

August 1952

Specialist in Modern American History to Complete Series
Charter Committee Plans Excursion
Red Letter Days Ahead for Honolulu League
Introducing Mrs. Pierce
They Appoint Is at the Printers

Specialist in Modern American History to Complete Series

Dr. John Stalker, Assistant Professor of History at the University of Hawaii will be the speaker for the membership meeting on July 16. Dr. Stalker received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin; his thesis subject was "The Ideology of the National Assoc. of Manufacturers." He is the author of numerous publications in scholarly journals.

In addition to teaching and writing he is now a news analyst on AGMB on Monday through Friday at 6:15. The title of his address to the League will be "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization."

Dr. Stalker's talk will complete the series of four meetings planned by the National Resource Chairman concerning international problems. In the fall Miss Saunders, the chairman, will present plans for continuing the study of these problems in terms of the National Agenda Item.

With the August meeting, a new series is planned by Mrs. Lillian Fortess, the Local Resource Chairman. These will cover some local departments of government, beginning with the Board of Water Supply.

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