September 1994 Home   Newsletters

February 1995

April-May 1995

President's Message (Jim Koshi)
League Celebrates
Board Highlights
Local League News
Corporate Contributors Given Thanks
Convention '95
National Board Member is Coming
Legislative Issues (Evelyn Bender)
Action Alert
Leaguers in Action
Getting Online with Political Action
Legislative Access
United Nations
Population: A Problem Everywhere
Health Study Opportunities
Energy Savings
Recycling in Hawai'i
Earth Day

Board Highlights

Pre-planning for convention began at the January board meeting. The Nominating Committee has completed its work, the budget preliminaries have begun, and local leagues are beginning to forward program suggestions. Jherry Rhubiyat, from the Big Island, brought information on a proposed study on gambling, a subject which is frequently mentioned at the legislature as a way to "find" revenue.

Sue Thorndike will continue to collect the bills on program study and action subjects. Honolulu members have expressed interest in becoming involved in the Campaign Finance Committee chaired by Patricia Card. She welcomes other member participation, too.

Dale Bachman presented a draft of bylaw proposals. Possible adoption will hinge on discussion to be held by a "Restructuring Committee" at the LWV of Honolulu, and their suggestions as applicable to state's role in the league system. Budget proposals will take a two-pronged approach to accommodate possible changes. Cira deCastillo noted that the workshops she attended while at convention stressed that grants were the most viable approach to meeting budgetary needs for specific programs and voter service activities. Proper descriptions of programs and their budget expenses will enhance funding by granting agencies.

September 1994 Home   Newsletters April-May 1995