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Winter-Spring 1984

Summer 1984

Dot Ridings to Speak at Council
Water Water Everywhere, Is it Safe to Drink? (Linda Lai Hipp)
Education at Koolau: Can We Do Better? (Marty McGurk)
O Where O Where Does the Money Go!!? (Carol Whitesell)
Peter's Principles (Peter Herman)
What is Council?
League Joins HCSCH
What Happened at the Legislature (Marion Saunders)
Have You Analyzed Your Reapportionment Plan Today?? (Anne Lee)
ERA Lives!
Comparable Worth or How Much Is Your Job Worth?

What is Council?

State Council, at which Ridings will speak, is held in the years between State Conventions. It is composed of two delegates (the president and one other) from each local League, officers and directors of the State Board and a representative of the LWV of Hawaii Education Fund. The main business at the 1984 Council will be the adoption of the State budget for 1984-85. Time will be given for delegates to set directions on program priorities, and methods of work.

Council sessions are scheduled to allow League members to participate in workshops which will be part of the Na Wahine Holomua activities. The workshop topics will be 1. Pick a Candidate, 2. Issues or Images, 3. The Legislative Process and 4. Planning for Action.

Detailed information on the State Council and Na Wahine Holomua to be held June 2, along with registration forms will be mailed to League members when plans are finalized.

Council is Open to all League members and this year especially, because of President Ridings visit, we urge you to attend.

Mark June 2nd on your calendar! Council

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