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Fall 1983

Winter-Spring 1984

Peter's Principles (Peter Herman)
Transformation? CETA to JTPA (Muriel Roberts)
Reapportionment Update (Peter Herman)
What is the Ed Fund? (Carol Whitesell)
Statehood Project Approved (Anne Lee)
Legislative Workship Success
Presidential Debates
What Does the Future Hold for League? (Carol Whitesell)
Publications Available

Legislative Workship Success

On Saturday, October 29, the State League held a legislative workshop which was attended by approximately 5 people. The many remarks made after the workshop indicated that it was considered one of the better League events because of the quality of the panel and the amount of participation by the audience.

On the panel were Tom Okamura (member of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Energy -Ecology and Environmental Protection

Committee), Judy Sobin (former lobbyist in the State Legislature and now assistant to City Councilman Leigh Wai Doo), Jane Hewitt (assistant to State Senator Mary George and long time League member), and Millie Kim (head of the Majority Research Office). Marion Saunders and Peter Herman moderated the free-flowing discussion, which ranged from how bills are born to how League members and other citizens can lobby bills successfully through the legislative process (or oppose them successfully, as the case may be).

There were dozens of questions and lots of laughter as the panelists told us how "it really is" over at the State Capitol.

The State League intends during the coming session starting in January to have a lobby corps of League members who will monitor and lobby one to three bills under the direction of our Legislative Action Chair, Marion Saunders. We believe that active lobbying at the Legislature is one of the most important functions of the State League and we hope to further enhance our already excellent image and influence at the Capitol.

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