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State Convention - 1975
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Look Ahead to 1976

Council Capsule

Budget and Finance The League is big business (two and a half million dollars) and financing is a source of frustration at all levels. Last National Convention directed a committee to look into financing and what to do with those leagues who did not meet their fair share. The Budget Committee recommended that the LWV undertake a study and consensus on "Financing the League" to allow full member participation in the formulation of specific ideas for financing. A study guide will be published in September for the consensus deadline of February 1, 1976. Be prepared to do some creative thinking on the future financing of the League.

Membership This committee focused on ways to make it easier to join the League and the need to develop new and better methods of recruitment and retention of members. The main thrust was to build membership as a specific component into all LWV efforts on all levels and in all areas. Right now the LWV is probably the only nationwide organization whose structure permits people to join in only one way - thru a local league.

ERA You will be receiving in your mail a plea for one dollar or more (PLEASE MAKE IT MORE) to help in the effort to mount a national campaign to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. We face an opposition that is funded, coordinated, dedicated and winning. We need a better funded, better coordinated national effort to win passage and I know I can count on Hawaii's members to support this effort.

Land Use This is the key activity for Leagues this year and was the main focus of our lobbying effort on the Hill. Hawaii is of great interest to all leagues struggling with Land Use because we are supposedly so far ahead of the pack. See more about Land Use in your summer Voter.

EQ This along with Energy and Human Resources will present many thorny issues to be dealt with. A good example was given by the Wyoming League. Should Wyoming be torn up to provide energy for the East Coast? Who is going to bear the social costs of the influx of mankind flocking to Wyoming looking for work?

Representative Government Consensus will be taken this year on presidential powers and presidential succession by next November. The committee is already looking into possible areas for further study, such as the bureaucracy, independent regulatory agencies, executive-judicial relations, etc. You should be receiving information on our decision to support registration by mail under the League principle "to protect the right of every citizen to vote".

International Relations Council gave direction to the National Board to send a telegram expressing the will of the Council that the U.S. continue its support of the U.N. and work towards strengthening that body rather than resort to withholding funds. Development Assistance is also an area of strong member concern and we can expect more information on combating world hunger.

Voter Service Exploring American Futures will come to us soon. It will give us an opportunity to expand our minds to explore future issues in our county, state and national governments. It will help us explore the future of the LWV. The most important aspect of the League as seen by Council members is THE MEMBER. The most important structural aspect is "from grass roots to the top". The most important thing we do is voter education and citizen participation. The thing we would like to do most in the future is have lots of well informed, well trained members out in the community helping others participate effectively in the system, and we would .like to be paid for this service.

I want to close by saying, looking to our future (which begins now) we have a lot of work to do, so let's expand our minds, membership and money and move into a future that we have helped mold to our liking - and lets have fun doing it!

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