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April 1965

October 1965

Election Laws (Nan Lowers)
Legislative News on Election Laws (Sue Thorndike)
Our First State Convention
Program of the League of Women Voters
State Board
President's Message (Marguerite Simson)

Program of the League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters believes in representative government and in the individual liberties established in the Constitution of the United States.

The League of Women Voters believes that democratic government depends upon the informed and active participation of its citizens.

The League of Women Voters believes that every citizen should be protected in his right to vote; that no person or group of people should suffer legal, economic, or administrative discrimination; and that all should have equal opportunity for free public education.

The League of Women Voters believes that efficient and economical government requires competent personnel, the clear assignment of responsibility, adequate financing, and coordination among the different agencies and levels of government.

The League of Women Voters believes that responsible government should be responsive to the will of the people; that government should maintain an equitable and flexible system of taxation, promote the conservation and development of natural resources in the public interest, share in the solution of economic and. social problems which affect the general welfare, promote a stable and expanding economy, and adopt domestic policies which facilitate the solution of international problems.

The League of Women Voters believes that cooperation with other nations is essential in the search for solutions to world problems, and that the development of international organization and international law is imperative in the promotion of world peace.

Current Agenda (those national issues which the National Convention has chosen for intensive study and concerted action):

Development of Human Resources: Evaluation of policies and programs in the U.S. to provide equality of opportunity for education and employment to all citizens.

United Nations: To support U.S. policies which strengthen the U.N. system and its ability to keep peace.

Foreign Economic Policies: To support U.S. policies which promote world economic development, maintain a sound U.S. economy, and further international and regional cooperation.

Water Resources: To support U.S. national policies and procedures which promote comprehensive long-range planning for conservation and development of water resources.

Continuing Responsibilities: (Positions on national issues to which the league has given sustained attention and on which it may continue to act):

District of Columbia: Support of self-government and representation in Congress for citizens of the District of Columbia.

Tax Rates: Opposition to Constitutional limitations on tax rates.

Treaty Making: Opposition to Constitutional changes that would limit the existing powers of the Executive and the Congress over foreign relations.

Loyalty-Security: Support of standardized procedure, "common sense" judgment, and greatest possible protection for the individual under the federal loyalty-security program; opposition to extension of such programs to non-sensitive positions.

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