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December, 1999

Development Plan Revision Process Well Underway
President's Message - Conflict Resolution Meeting (Grace Furukawa)
In Memory / New Members / Contributions
Hawaii Clean Elections Hires Executive Director
Very Special Congratulations and Aloha
Agenda for the Nation on Violence Against Women

President's Message - Conflict Resolution Meeting

Is it possible in the 138kv line dispute?

On August 28, at University of Hawaii I attended a conference on conflict resolution called Empowering Community: When Values Collide.

Lawrence Susskind, the President of the Consensus Institute was the guest speaker. Professor Susskind pointed out that usually people involved in community differences usually go to court. He suggests bringing all stakeholders to the table. This must be achieved by someone who is seen as impartial by all. Then all parties must have a part in resolving the issue without giving up their strongly held concern.

This is a fresh approach resulting in creative ideas from a forum of the conflicting parties. Resolution occurs when the point of view or values of all sides are recognized as legitimate and the solution sought is a compromise that all sides recognize as fair.

For more about this method check out the web - (cri is Conflict Resolution Institute) or the Censensus Building Handbook.

Grace Furukawa

LWV - Honolulu

President - Grace Furukawa
Vice President - Janet Mason
Secretary - Betty Goodwin
Treasurer - Annie Kim
Aloha Voter Editor - Anna Hoover
Layout - Christiane Sodersten
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