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May-June 1989

Annual Meeting - 1989
Transportation Committee Meeting (Dee Lum & Mildred Walston)
President's Message (Arlene Ellis)
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Observations from the Tower - 1 (Yvonne Kearns)
Observations from the Tower - 2 (Dorothy Turnbull)
Observations from the Tower - 3 (Astrid Monson)
Observations from the Tower - 4 (Nadine Taylor)
Observations from the Tower - 5 (Shirley Cartwright)
More Observations - 1 (Jean Aoki)
More Observations - 2 (Annie Kim)
Don't Save It, Pave It! (Jai Mansson)
Welcome to New Members

(Honolulu Advertiser 4-14-89)

Don't Save It, Pave It!

There has been a lot of controversy recently about development. The good name of developers has been dragged through the mud, and we think it is high time that someone spoke up on their behalf. As a pro-construction grassroots organization, the Pave Hawaii Ohana actively lobbies for a kinder, gentler view of real estate entrepreneurs and a more aggressive stance toward using the precious under-utilized areas of these islands.

The appeals court ruling for the state on the H-3 Freeway is a wonderful victory. This massive project, probably costing taxpayers more than $1 billion, represents the noblest attempt by the state to date to pour as much concrete as possible. That "daisies and butterflies" organization, Stop H-3, is quite right in calling it a scar. But we'd like to think of it as a caesarian scar, hopefully leading to the birth of other unnecessary roads and upper-income housing projects. We look forward to the day when the sun rises over this structure with its 750-foot-high spans, casting its magnificent shadow over Halawa Valley as all contractors without pacemakers head for the numerous developments that will surely spring up in the now-offensively verdant Windward side.

We of PHO support all attempts to rid this island of unnecessary scenery that prevents full land exploitation. The PHO welcomes all new members eager to further the day when the last tree in Hawaii will be cut down, the last ocean view obscured and the last square foot of open land covered with smooth white concrete. Our credo says it all: "Don't save it, pave it!"

Jai Mansson
Founder and President, Pave Hawaii Ohana

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