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March 1973

April 1973

General Meeting
March Calendar
President's Notes (Dee Lum)
Voters Service (Claudia Patil)
Membership Memo - Capitol Tour Report (Maury Muence)
Susie Orient Says... (Susie Orient)
Foreign Trade Page - Consensus Unit
Effects of Trade Policy on Economic Development (Robert McNamara)
Update - from "VISITS", U.N. Publication
Report from the Nominating Committee
Proposed Program
Proposed Local Program
Proposed Budget - April 1973 - March 1974
Seminar to Look at Hawaii Taxes

Susie Orient Says...

Have you been in the League Office? It is located upstairs in the AAUW clubhouse, and from all outward appearances is a small nondescript room. However into that small area are packed the operations of two busy organizations: Hawaii State League and Honolulu League. To a new Leaguer the office may seem like a slightly foreign country whose language and operations are rather a mystery.

However it is one of the best places to catch the flavor and variety of League activities. You may be there quietly typing stencils while watching League lobbyists discussing strategy for the next hearing, or listening in on a committee meeting. You will also find yourself drawn to the piles of publications and quite often come home with a new insight into League. You become aware of the great cross section of people involved and the many different projects that our two leagues have going at any one time.

The office is staffed each weekday morning from 9-12:00. There is on regular worker for each day and there are always lots of short-term projects that need accomplishing. With the Legislature in session, the study committees need testimonies typed. The Housing Coalition (initiated by League) wants clerical back-up and other committees must stay involved through letter writing. Typists are highly cherished, but there are also plenty of activities for those who are unsecreterial. Dorothy Murdock is head o the office staff and she would especially like to hear from new Leaguers at 536-0477.

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