January 1951 Home   Newsletters

February 1951

March 1951

You Lose if Inflation Wins
Study Groups Meet
Congratulations from Miss Strauss (Anna Lord Strauss)
Mr. Nobriga Speaks at Meeting
Annual Meeting Next Month
Coming Events
U.N. and North Atlantic Pact
Attention, Leaguers! (Ruth Myers)
Big Government and the Citizen
Council Meeting in April
Agenda for New Term

U.N. and North Atlantic Pact

Mrs. John G. Lee has sent to all state and local presidents a "Request for Action," in which she stresses the importance at this time of impressing all Senators and Representatives with public demand for wholehearted support o the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty.

Mrs. Lee says: "...The League Considers the United Nations and the North Atlantic Pact essential instruments in promoting the security and well being of the American people... . More. than ever, the U.S. today needs the U.N. and the North Atlantic Pact as machinery for forging unity among free nations. Let us now throw our weight behind full implementation of our obligations under these undertakings... ."

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