April 2002 Home   Newsletters

May 2002

August 2002

President's Message (Pearl Johnson)
League Comments on City's Proposed Transit Plan
Astrid Monson Spoke Out for LWV (Helen Griffin)
New Officers
Environment Committee Meeting
Voter Service Committee Begins Projects (Nikki Love)
Welcome New Members

Astrid Monson Spoke Out for LWV

We sometimes wonder if anyone hears us, if we're making a difference as we faithfully attend the public hearings and earnestly speak our piece for the League.

Well, if you're an Astrid Monson, the answer is a resounding "yes!"

Professor Kem Lowry, Chair of the UH Urban and Regional Planning Department, recently learned that Astrid was at the Hale Ho Aloha Nursing Home and wrote her a letter that we persuaded her to share with you, especially with those Leaguers who testify before the City Council and the State Legislature. Lowry said, in part:

"...I miss reading your occasional commentaries in the Advertiser and ...your testimony before the council.... I -- and others -- really learned a great deal from you. I thought your commentaries and testimonies were consistently well researched and well written. I know of no one presently testifying before the legislature or council who does the sort of careful research that you did. You set a standard for public comment that is unmatched. We miss your voice on planning, land use and housing issues. "

While Astrid appreciates the personal recognition, she feels that Kem Lowry's comments reflect the views of many others in the community about the issues the League supports. We are heard and we can make a difference!

(Note: If you can't pop by to visit Astrid, she'd love to hear from you. You can drop her a note at Hale Ho Aloha, 2670 Pacific Heights Road, 96813)

Helen Griffin

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