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November, 1979

December, 1979

Season's Hottest Ticket - Maka Maka Mixer
From Our President (Jean Ko)
Pass the Word
November Units: Juvenile Justice
Transportation Update (Dorothy Lum)
Looking at Consolidation (Jean Aoki)
Question of Procedure (Karla Telfer)

From Our President

CONGRATULATIONS: The Honolulu Board set a priority goal of 25 new members by November 1st. To date 5 persons joined in August, 15 in September and 2 in October; a grand total of 22 new members as this VOTER goes to press. Kudos to membership chairman, Sue Cheski, herself a new member, for a job well done.

In addition to members, it takes money to operate the League.. For example, the cost of printing this VOTER has doubled in the past few weeks. We now pay for some office tasks such as phoning and typing, which were formerly done by volunteers. We must also budget for some paid office staff to help us operate at a professional level in our downtown office location. All of this takes money.

The focus for November is on finance. Finance Committee Chairman, Kay Allen, has sent letters to corporations soliciting contributions. Mary Ellen Reed and her committee will be earning money for League as they count votes for the Neighborhood Board Election, November 3. The climax of our campaign will be our annual fund raiser, the Makamaka Mixer, which Kay Makens has coordinated for November 16. Makamaka means cordial and friendly, and we are sure to share many laughs with local entertainer, Andy Bumatai--the event's star attraction.

Formal invitations to buy tickets have been sent to prominent people within our community. Should you have a name for an invitation, or need additional tickets, please call Ann Reeves, 737-5848. Jerry Hess will handle calls at the League office, 531-7448, in the mornings, November 12 to 16. Hope to see you at the Makamaka Fixer!

Jean Ko

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