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May 1951

June 1951

Should We Compromise?
Questions for the League (and for You to Think about...)
City Charter
Coming Events
Message from Our President (Ruth Miho)
Parks and Recreation
Help Needed!

City Charter

At the annual meeting the membership voted to continue the study of recreational facilities and to add to the local agenda a study of a charter for the City and County of Honolulu.

For the April meeting two members of the Board of Supervisors were invited to speak on Senate Bill 320, an act providing for the creation of a charter commission. Mr. Nicholas: Teves and Mr. James K. Trask gave their opinions of the value of a new charter in relieving some of the local difficulties in government; they also explained how the commission would function. An in teresting question and answer period followed and plans for organizing a study group under Miss Mildred Saunder's leadership were formulated.

ONE MORE CHANCE: This study group plans one more meeting when city charters will be discussed. It will then be reorganized for the study of different departments of the local government in relation to improve-tent in their functioning which might be possible with changes made in a charter. This meeting will be held at Miss Saunders, 444-H Pau St., at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 23. It is open to those members who have not attended the previous meetings.

SPECIAL MEETING: Called to review the League's position with regard to S.B. 320, on May 2, and having been given permission from the National office to work on the territorial level in this instance, the members present voted to continue with the course of action initiated by the Board of Directors; i.e., to maintain the position in favor of passage of enabling legislation with provision for direct participation by the people. The League also went on record as being opposed to House Draft 1 of S.B. 320 for the reason that it gives the people no opportunity to vote on the charter as drafted by the Charter Commission.

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